President’s Tan Talk –  June 2024

VRR members and friends were greeted by a beautiful winter’s morning for the June TTT, certainly cold, but dry and still, great weather for a run!!

The cold may have kept some VRR members in their warm beds, with many regulars not sighted, but our young friends from Inclusive Sports Training (IST) joined us in large numbers, with their usual energy and enthusiasm, it’s always great to have them run with us.

It was a big day for some very big milestone achievements:

Peter Battrick notched up Tan Time Trial 300, a very big achievement (and)
Greig McEwan, VRR Member Number One, completed Tan Time Trial 350.
Congratulations to these VRR stalwarts on their milestone achievements.

The very sad news was that VRR Life Member Judy wines had recently passed away. Judy was a much-loved VRR Life Member, having been a great contributor to VRR over many years, see the tribute to Judy, below.

Enjoy your winter running, see you in July,

VRR President

PS: Note that parking has been changed where we park for the Tan Time Trial, with paid parking now applying from 7am.




June 2024 Achievement Awards



VRR Member, Peter Battrick, achieved the AMAZING total of 300 TTT’s this month.
Congratulations !!!!



As amazing as Peter’s achievement was, Greig McEwan did ‘one better’ and reached 350 TTT’s this month.
Greig holds VRR membership number 1, so that probably gives you a hint about how long he has been a member (and past President).
Congratulations Greig.



June 2024 TTT Results



Click here for results




June 2024 – Club News



Vale Judy Wines

VRR President, Michael Kennedy had to deliver the sad news at the pre-race briefing that VRR’s beloved member, Judy Wines had died on Sunday 26th May 2024.
This is what Michael had to say….


Vale Judy Wines

After having only recently lost Kevin Browne it’s very sad this morning to report the passing of much-loved VRR Life Member Judy Wines. Among many contributions, Judy organised the VRR Annual Dinner, along with Kevin.

As with everything Judy did, in organising the dinner she was well organised, considerate, and quietly elegant, in the way she went about her task.

Judy joined Victorian Road Runners in 1995, ran 271 Tan Time Trials, and was awarded Life Membership in 2007

Born in 1938, women didn’t really run marathons when Judy was young, but she managed to notch up about 50 marathons over the years, retiring from running just 5 or so years ago. This week I’ve seen many photos of Judy with various VRR members and Masters runners, some of whom are here this morning. 

Judy would meet up early to run with Helen Myall, at a good pace.


Judy was a big contributor with both VRR and Masters at Murumbeena / Caulfield.

In recent days a number of people have correctly described Judy as elegant, as a woman of style, carrying herself well, and never swearing, instead combining sharp wit and a clever sense of humour when the occasion required it.

Prior to her retirement Judy was a justifiably proud Victorian public servant, she and I “had connections” in common and we would often share a chat about what was happening in Victoria’s “corridors of power”.

Service of others, without fuss or wanting acknowledgement, came naturally to Judy, whether it was the people of Victoria, her public service bosses, politicians, or simply runners of all ages. She didn’t see herself as special, but she made you feel that you were. 

When Judy observed a few years back that I would benefit from a little stepladder for use at runs, she just quietly got one for me, no fuss, just did it.

Past VRR President Bill Noonan, who is not well enough to be here this morning, said “Judy was part of the glue that held the VRR community together over many years”, willing to do whatever was required to ensure the event went well, never seeking praise or recognition”.

I want to acknowledge in particular this morning those here this morning who were close to Judy, and who will be particularly sad this morning.

Judy had a big family, a big family of runners, who cared for her…

Let’s take a few moments…


Ed. There will not be a funeral (Judy didn’t want one), but a memorial service will be held in around 4-6 weeks and her ashes will be spread then.



Running News




VRR Member, Tarquin Oehr (pictured) reminisced a few Stride Out editions back, about when he ran the Athens Marathon in 1979.
He followed up recently, sending us a copy of a letter sent by his friend Stewart Handasyde to his (Stewart’s) mother.
Stewart’s mother subsequently typed the letter up.
Stewart’s (and Tarquin’s) times are interesting !!




Tarquin is runner number 113 in the centre of the photo.



Stephen Barker, Kevin Browne (dec), Sally Browne, Tony Doran, Graham Edwards, Jenny Field, Peter Field, Vern Gerlach (dec), Peter Gunn (dec.), Don Hampshire, Eileen Helmers (dec), Frank Helmers (dec), Betty Horskins, Graeme Horskins, Mike Kennedy, Lynn Kisler,  Greig McEwan, Ross Martin (dec), Vin Martin, John Morris, Helen Myall,  Peter Nicoll, Bill Noonan, Brian O’Dea, Rod Opie, Graham Prossor, Melissa Sirianni, Doug Stokes, Brian Toomey (dec.), Stuart White, Robert Wilson, Judy Wines (dec.), Tom Worrell (dec) and Val Worrell.


Can you ask your running friends if they are receiving their email copy of Stride Out.
If they aren’t, can you get them to send me an email ( asking to be put on the distribution list.







Position Member Run Time
1 Henry Reith 4km 15.08
2 Lucy Oehr 4km 18.37
3 Oren Benharim 4km 19.22


Position Member Run Time
1 Mick Wilson 8km 36.08
2 Alice Napier 8km 37.35
3 Malcolm MacKay 8km 39.18

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