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MARCH 2024


Victorian Road Runners



2024 Membership Renewals


A friendly reminder that fees for 2024 are now due.VRR charges a nominal membership fee as it does not receive any sponsorship but needs to cover such costs as public liability insurance (~$1,000), tea and coffee for Tans, 12 TTT and milestone tee-shirts, plaques for milestones and trophies.  The Blue Bucket at the Tan for voluntary donations helps also helps to cover costs.

The membership fee for 2024 is unchanged at $20 for individuals, $10 for juniors, $40 for families (2 adults plus all children) with country members (greater than 100k from the GPO) half of these fees.  Junior members are those aged under 18 years as at 1 January 2024.

Payment via EFT is preferred, to:
BSB 033-034
A/c 628622
Please include your full name and membership number in the reference field.
For completeness, please also send a confirmation email with the subject “VRR Membership Renewal” with your details to

Alternatively, you can pay by cash (no cheques!) in a sealed envelope with your name and membership number at the Tan and pass it to me or one of the Committee.  If you need one, a membership form is available at
See you at the Tan!
Many thanks and happy running
Rowan Cole – VRR treasurer



President’s Tan Talk – March 2024

A perfect morning for running greeted VRR members and friends at the March Tan Time Trial. A brief light drizzle towards the very end saw our ’scribes’ get under a tree to keep their paper (not powder) dry, but no negative impact on runners.

Our clock had a “bad moment” at start time, then recovered at the one minute mark, a feeling many of us understand!!

It was great to welcome a couple of teenage first-time runners to the TTT, Henry and Annabelle Reith, running the Tan before heading off to school sport, and to welcome Monish and Kim back to the Tan after a few busy months absence.

Congratulations to 50 Tan Time Trial Milestoner Clare Counsell, who we did not acknowledge on Saturday because she arrived just a little late, so we’ll give her a cheer next month!!

At the suggestion of Michael Musgrove we paused to reflect on the disappearance of Samantha Murphy, from Canadian, near Ballarat, who disappeared while out on a run three weeks ago, for whom grave fears are held.

Some VRR tee-shirts (sizes Medium and Large) dating back to our 30th anniversary were made available for any member wanting one (or two!!)

Members were reminded of the Angela Taylor Memorial 5k / 10k Run / Walk coming up at Albert Park on Sunday 21 April (see advert in ‘Club News’). Please let me know (by text 0411191115) if you are available to be a course marshal. As members know, we have been organising this run since we initiated more than 30 years ago, after Constable Angela Rose Taylor was killed in the Russell Street bombing.
This month’s running and fitness related article is titled Forget exercise snacks, what about behaviour swaps? This brief article provides some interesting tips on how to optimise your fitness in combination with living a very busy life.

Finally, further on you’ll find official notice of our Annual General Meeting, coming up at the April Tan Time Trial. Our AGM’s are short and sharp, but we would love to talk to anyone who would like to make a contribution to our committee. Please contact me if you are interested.

Have a good running month, see you at the Tan on Saturday 6 April,

VRR President


March 2024 Achievement Awards


Congratulations, Claire Counsell on your 50 TTT’s.
Now the intriguing question is, ‘has your dog, Luna, also completed 50 TTT’s’?



VRR photographer, Helen Myall takes great photos at each Tan Time Trial event..
ALL the photos are posted on Facebook.
To access Facebook you can use your internet browser and type in the following address:



March 2024 TTT Photos


And the March TTT is off to a flying start….


(L – R) Patrick Herft, Helen Corcoris & Mick Wilson.
Fresh as daisy’s before the start of the March TTT.


VRR regular, Katrina Cook 
We welcome supporters of ALL the AFL clubs!


We haven’t seen Monish Swamy recently and it was great to see him back.


Tim Byrne is another very welcome returnee.




March 2024 TTT Results


Click here for results





Forget exercise snacks, what about behaviour swaps?

Sarah Berry November 16, 2023 — 5.00am
Our bodies are designed to move, but our lifestyles are designed to minimise movement and effort, so we have a unique quandary: how do we balance the needs of our bodies with the construct of modern living?
With so few people meeting the guidelines for the physical activity needed to maintain our health, public health researchers have increasingly turned their attention to the least amount of stimulus our bodies need to have an effect.



Stand up, pick up the pace: To benefit us, different activities and behaviours have different doses.

From these origins have emerged the concepts of exercise snacks (a three-second maximal muscle contraction, three times a week is enough to make you stronger) and VILPA (vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity like dashing up the stairs or sprinting for the bus can reduce cancer risk, heart disease risk and the likelihood of dying prematurely).

Now, researchers from University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre and University College London, have looked at what happens when you swap one activity for another and the amount we need for comparable benefits.

For the study, published in the European Heart Journal, researchers analysed data of 15,246 adults from five countries, including Australia, to see how the way we move through the day relates to heart health.

For 24 hours, the participants wore activity trackers on their thigh, which can detect the type of movement with greater accuracy, and had multiple measures of their heart health taken.

The researchers modelled the outcomes based on replacing sedentary behaviour (periods of sitting or lying outside of sleep) with the different behaviours – standing, LIPA (low intensity physical activity like walking around the office or house), MVPA (moderate-to-vigorous physical activity like running, cycling, inclined stepping, or walking quickly) and sleep.

On average, the participants slept for 7.7 hours, spent 10.4 hours sedentary, 3.1 hours standing, 1.5 hours doing LIPA and 1.3 hours doing moderate to vigorous activity.
Every move we make matters, but the more intense it is, the less of it is needed to get results.

Swapping between 4 and 12 minutes of any behaviour with moderate to vigorous activity was enough to make a significant change to heart health, including BMI, waist circumference and blood glucose levels.

“Roughly similar theoretical cardiometabolic benefits were present when sitting time was replaced by standing, LIPA, or sleep, although the amounts replaced would need to be much larger, closer to one-to-two hours per day,” said lead author, Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis.

“The jury is still out on whether adding a few bursts of moderate or vigorous intensity activity per day is more feasible than replacing one-to-two hours of e.g. sitting with standing or light intensity activity a day. What is encouraging is that people seem to have options, at least when it comes to the cardiometabolic markers we examined in this study.”

This is good news to those confined to their desks during the day: instead of spending the day seated, breaking it up with longer periods of standing can help, as can taking the stairs, picking up your pace to catch the bus and taking regular short breaks to walk around.

While the inflammatory, metabolic, or vascular effects of moderate or vigorous intensity activity contribute to improved cardiovascular health, the effects of low intensity activities are more subtle and, the authors say, may be more meaningful for mental or musculoskeletal health.

And beyond about 7.7 hours sleep a night, the researchers found that any theoretical cardiometabolic benefits from increased sleep are secondary to the direct physiological benefits of doing more physical activity.

“This study adds to this emerging field by demonstrating a clear hierarchy of behaviours which are associated with better cardiovascular health,” says Dr Ashleigh Smith, the deputy director of the Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity at the University of South Australia.

“You don’t have to make large changes all at once, but instead for sustainable health benefits, making small changes (reducing sitting and increasing MVPA), embedding these changes into every day life, and continuing to make more changes can lead to positive health benefits.”

Make the most of your health, relationships, fitness and nutrition with our Live Well newsletter. Get it in your inbox every Monday.



March 2024 – Club News



VRR Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the Rules of Victorian Road Runners Inc, and consistent with prior years, the Annual General Meeting is to be held at 8.30 am on Saturday, 6 April 2024 after the Tan. 
The ordinary business of the Meeting is:-
(1) to confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
(2) to receive from the committee reports regarding the preceding financial year;
(3) to elect officers and ordinary members of the committee;
(4) to receive and consider the financial statements submitted for the previous financial year.Rowan Cole, Treasurer.2023/24 Office Bearers
Michael Kennedy – President
Secretary – Vacant
Rowan Cole – Treasurer
Lynn Kisler – VP Running
Peter Nicoll – Secretary Running
Rod Opie – Statistician



A couple of the VRR ‘stalwarts’ Kevin Browne & Judy Wines haven’t been well lately and we just wanted to say that all your VRR friends are thinking of you.


Kevin Browne (centre) had lunch recently with many of the ‘Post TTT Breakfast Club’ participants.


Judy Wines (L) with Sally Browne (R)



HELP !!!

The club treasurer, Rowan Cole needs your help to identify a mystery $20 deposit that was transferred to the club’s bank account on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
There was no reference number (like a member name or number) but there was the following transaction ID


If you haven’t received a membership receipt, then this could very likely be your deposit – can you contact Rowan at the tan or by email –



Each Year VRR support the Police Ribbon Foundation in their staging of the Angela Taylor Memorial Run/Walk.
It would be great if you could help with marshalling or else enter the event and help make it the success that it deserves to be.



The Angela Taylor Memorial Run/Walk started in 1989. This community event  welcomes individual runners, walkers, juniors, adults and seniors. There’s a category to match all levels of fitness.

At 1.00pm on Thursday the 27 March 1986, a car bomb exploded outside the police complex in Russell Street Melbourne. As a result, young Constable Angela Rose Taylor took the full force of the explosion and on 20 April 1986 died in hospital.  Angela was committed to helping others in the community, our police and emergency services continue to demonstrate those values. The Angela Taylor Memorial Run/Walk continues to be held in honour of Angela and all Victoria Police members who lost their lives serving and protecting our community


Event Details 2024

Date : Sunday 21 April 2024

Time : Event Village is open from 7.30am and run/walk commences at TBC

Location : Albert Park Lake Palms Lawn

Event Info :

You can register as an individual or you can register as a team with your family, friends or work colleagues. If you cannot join us at Albert Park Lake there is also the option to do a virtual registration and you do can your run/walk in a location that suits you.

Medallions will be presented by Arthur and Marilyn Taylor (Angela’s parents) with the Chief Commissioner Victoria Police Shane Patton to the individuals with the best times in the various categories and age groups.

Bring your four legged friends.



5km Run – 10km Run – 5km Walk (all entries)

Nipper – Under 12,  Junior (13-18yrs),  Adult (19-38yrs), (39-54yrs), (55 & over)

Angela Taylor Memorial Shield is open to all Police, Emergency Service and Health Care teams (5km & 10km run) –  The team with the best aggregate time in the 5km and the 10km Run will retain the Angela Taylor Memorial Shield for 12 months.

Current holders of the  Angela Taylor Memorial Shield – 5km run Team Craigeburn Vic Pol  and 10km run Team AFP Melbourne

Entry Fees:

Adults: $38 Under 18: $15

Bibs will be posted to everyone who enters before April 10. After this date they can be collected on the day or at BankVic Spencer St on Friday April 19 (further details to be advised about BankVic Collection times).




Stephen Barker, Kevin Browne, Sally Browne, Tony Doran, Graham Edwards, Jenny Field, Peter Field, Vern Gerlach (dec), Peter Gunn (dec.), Don Hampshire, Eileen Helmers (dec), Frank Helmers (dec), Betty Horskins, Graeme Horskins, Mike Kennedy, Lynn Kisler,  Greig McEwan, Ross Martin (dec), Vin Martin, John Morris, Helen Myall,  Peter Nicoll, Bill Noonan, Brian O’Dea, Rod Opie, Graham Prossor, Melissa Sirianni, Doug Stokes, Brian Toomey (dec.), Stuart White, Robert Wilson, Judy Wines, Tom Worrell (dec) and Val Worrell.


Can you ask your running friends if they are receiving their email copy of Stride Out.
If they aren’t, can you get them to send me an email ( asking to be put on the distribution list.




Visit us at




Contact Victorian Road Runners – Graham Prossor on 0417 033 082 or





Position Member Run Time
1 Henry Reith 4km 15.14
2 Malcolm MacKay 4km 18.26
3 Stephen Harris 4km 18.47


Position Member Run Time
1 Mick Wilson 8km 36.53
2 Lucy Oehr 8km 36.55
3 Patrick Herft 8km 38.23

Download Results