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President’s Tan Talk – August 2023

We were delighted to again have Inclusive Sports Training (IST) join us for the August TTT, bringing all their energy and enthusiasm to our run. Great to see many of the parents joining in and having a run, well done to all.

Our running clock was ticking again after a second bout of repairs. We were starting to think it was in terminal decline but some TLC has worked wonders. The clock is older than many of our younger members.

Speaking of younger members, it was great to see Evan Kisler completing his 100th Tan Time Trial, see the notes below.

Our other August milestones was Tony Doran, completing his 200th Tan Time Trial, a great achievement for Tony, well done.

We are hopeful of having tea and coffee available for September 🤞 We’ll confirm that before the day.

I have included below a personal Running Reflection from a run in Sydney the day before the August Tan.

Happy running

VRR President



VRR Achievement Awards


Evan Kisler reached his 100th TTT this month.
As Evan is constantly reminded, he completed his first TTT when he was only about 1 month old.
For many years, he always beat his mother, Jenny, by one second (he was in the stroller!).
These days he’s still quicker than his mother but the time gap is increasing.


Anthony Doran (centre) reached the 200 TTT mark this month.
He looks pretty happy about that achievement and so he should.



Here are a few photos taken at the August TTT by our very own VRR photographer, Helen Myall.
Many photos are taken at each of our events and the one’s below are just a VERY small sample.
ALL the photos are posted on Facebook.
To access Facebook you can use your internet browser and type in the following address:



August TTT Photos


Start of the August TTT.
Our race numbers were considerably bolstered this month by our friends from ist (inclusive Sports Training) joining us again.
They’re a great bunch and we’re always happy to see them.


VRR has been welcoming a small stream of visitors each month recently.
Eric Wingard competed in the 8km run and achieved a very creditable 4th.
Another visitor was Jarrod Smith who was just 25 seconds behind Eric taking the 5th place.


Rounding out the visitor photo’s is Celia Geluk.
Actually, we had the whole Geluk clan visit us.
Jarrod Smith is a member as are Lorien and James Geluk (not shown).
James took out the fastest time in the 8km TTT.
VRR member, Brendan Crowley looked to be moving well in the 8km TTT.


This is VRR’s resident pilot, Mick Wilson, banking around the bollard on the ‘dog leg’.
It’s great to see that smile on VRR member, Katrina Cook’s face.
Katrina is racking up the TTT’s these days and has cemented her position as one of our ‘regulars’.


VRR member, Denis John Vance was doing his bit to promote us with his singlet.
As you can see, VRR member, Merle Want, is a very keen Melbourne Marathon participant and is stepping up her training for this year’s event.
Good Luck, Merle.



Running Reflections


This month, VRR President, Michael Kennedy, talks about a recent run that he did in Sydney.


Running Reflection: Bondi to Coogee and return

When I occasionally go to Sydney I plan my trip so that I can run from Bondi Beach. This time I had caught a Route 380 bus from Watsons Bay to Bondi, and as the bus made a succession of left and right hand turns I noticed all the signs at each turn, which indicated that I was travelling the route of the City to Surf, which was to be held the following weekend. It must be a tough run, as many VRR members would know from experience. Lots of signage everywhere (train stations etc) wishing runners well.

My run is from Bondi Beach to Tamarama, Bronte, Clovelly and Coogee and return, taking about 1 hour 40 minutes, along the Coastal Path, which is along the clifftops, with lots of steps and steepish climbs. Each of those beaches has a surf lifesaving club. The day before the August TTT I was in Sydney and did the run, and had to call in at one of the lifesaving clubs for some sunscreen because no Victorian expects sunny 23 degree weather in early August!!

The other surprise this time (see photo below) was the sensational mural of the Matilda’s being painted on the mural wall at Bondi Beach as I ran past. The walk (and/or run) along the coastal path is as popular as The Tan is in Melbourne, lots of locals, visitors, people walking dogs etc, I recommend it, while cautioning that it’s steeper than Anderson St!!






August 2023

TTT Results


Click here for results



The September TTT will have the usual 7.30am start at the ‘Pillars of Wisdom’ and is on Saturday 2nd September 2023.
Refer to the website ( for more details




Stephen Barker, Kevin Browne, Sally Browne, Tony Doran, Graham Edwards, Jenny Field, Peter Field, Vern Gerlach (dec), Peter Gunn (dec.), Don Hampshire, Eileen Helmers (dec), Frank Helmers (dec), Betty Horskins, Graeme Horskins, Mike Kennedy, Lynn Kisler,  Greig McEwan, Ross Martin (dec), Vin Martin, John Morris, Helen Myall,  Peter Nicoll, Bill Noonan, Brian O’Dea, Rod Opie, Graham Prossor, Melissa Sirianni, Doug Stokes, Brian Toomey (dec.), Stuart White, Robert Wilson, Judy Wines, Tom Worrell (dec) and Val Worrell.


Can you ask your running friends if they are receiving their email copy of Stride Out.
If they aren’t, can you get them to send me an email ( asking to be put on the distribution list.



Position Member Run Time
1 Michael Phillips 4km 18.57
2 Celia Geluk 4km 18.59
3 Mick Wilson 4km 19.02


Position Member Run Time
1 James Geluk 8km 35.45
2 Lucy Oehr 8km 35.57
3 Grant Padula 8km 37.43

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